Optional Rules

There are a number of optional rules that work seamlessly with the core rules.


Characters start with 8 inventory points. Each item in inventory takes 1 point. When there are more items in inventory than points, any movement related tests are -1d. More points can be purchased. 3xp = 1 inventory point.

D12's For Skill Dice

To make it easier to identify the skill dice when rolling, you can roll D12's and look for a 5 or 6 for a success.

Players Roll For Enemies

The GM determines the number of dice an enemy rolls, then the player to the left of the player being attacked rolls for the enemy.

Player Facing Rolls

Instead of NPC's rolling to attack or affect a PC, the PC's will roll the same skill as a defense. For example, if a NPC is going to shoot a PC, the PC would roll their Shooting skill to see if they defend against the attack. A success means they defended successfully. The GM may request a specific number of successes to defend against based on the NPC's skill. Use the following for difficulties. Also, see Dodge and Damage in the Combat section for details on how the defense roll will work against the target successes.

1 = Easy

2 = Moderate

3 = Hard

4 = Impossible

Friendly Fire 

When firing into a crowd and the attack misses, roll 1d6. On a 1, the ranged attack hit a friendly. Increase the target number if there is a higher chance of hitting a friendly. If the roll is less than or equal to the target number, then a friendly is hit.

Group Initiative

Players roll a 2d6 test unless they have a skill or ability which may give them advantage. Those who pass go before all enemies, those who fail go after. Enemies may impose disadvantage on initiative rolls. GM discretion.

Exploding Die When Attacking & Dodging

When rolling a 6 on an attack or dodge roll, roll another die. Continue rolling die until no more 6’s are rolled. Include any additional successes when determining damage or dodge effectiveness. Exploding dice take the place of any crit rules. Skill dice do not explode.

Multiple Special Abilities 

Characters start with 2 special abilities and can have up to 4. When advancing, it costs 20xp to purchase a new special ability.

Kill Die

When firing a ranged weapon at a target, roll an extra 1d6. When the shot hits the target and the kill die lands on a 5 or 6, then the target must make a Stamina save. If they succeed, then the target is incapacitated and must be healed back to consciousness. If they fail, then the target is incapacitated and must start making death saving throws. If the kill die lands on a number less than 5, then the target only takes damage. NPC’s should never roll a kill die against a PC.

Moving Skill Pips 

Pips (dots on the d6) can be moved between Skill dice. When moving a pip, the Skill die can never be reduced to less than 1 or increased to more than 6. This rule could be applied to items, abilities, or vehicle features. 

Adding Skill Pips

Some items or abilities could add pips to the skill die, making success more likely. It is recommended to only allow adding 1 pip.

Item Wear

All items have a life cycle. After using an item, or at the end of combat, roll 1d6 for the item. On a 1, reduce the wear by 1. Items with 0 wear must be repaired or replaced.  The amount of wear points depend on how durable it is. Use the following to set the wear points for an item. 







Grit represents the character's ability to persevere through a tough situation. All characters start with 3 grit points at the start of each session. Grit points are spent during the game to improve the character's situation and can be recovered by performing heroic acts (GM discretion). This replaces the rule allowing characters to burn XP for a re-roll.

Spend 1 Grit

Spend 2 Grit

XP for Re-Roll

1 unspent XP can be burned to re-roll any roll. Burnt XP is subtracted from unspent XP.


A critical success is when more than ½ the rolled dice are 6’s. A critical failure is when more than ½ the rolled dice are 1’s and there are no successes. Outside of combat either things go much worse or much better than expected. During combat, use the following table to determine what happens.

Attack Critical Success

Attack Critical Failure

Defend/Dodge Critical Success

Defend/Dodge Critical Failure

Partial Successes 

You can vary the degree of success by counting the successes in the roll.

0 Successes

1 Success

2 Successes

3+ Successes